Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Toronto, ON
Edmonton ERSC
Ottawa ERSC
Interns (via teleconference)
Regrets: Marc Avey (GHGD), Roland Grad (Task Force), Christina Korownyk (Task Force), Chantal Plante (GHGD), John Riva (Task Force), Evangeline Seganathy (Interns), Mark Shew (Interns), Adrienne Stevens (ERSC)
Dr. Thombs welcomed the group to Toronto and thanked meeting participants for their attendance. Dr. Thombs asked everyone to introduce themselves. He then reviewed logistical items and expense forms, which will be sent out after the meeting.
Dr. Thombs noted recent accomplishments in the work of the Task Force.
Dr. Wilson led an update on behalf of the Hypertension Working Group, with a focus on the guideline’s proposed Key Questions.
Dr. Moore led an update on behalf of the Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Working Group, seeking Task Force input on the draft Evidence-to-Decision (EtD) framework.
Dr. Moore led an update on final topic selection for 2019-2020. The main goal of the conversation was to discuss ratings and comments, and to narrow the selection of topics for scoping and guideline development.
Dr. Persaud provided an update on behalf of the Polypharmacy Working Group and presented a proposal to the full Task Force to revise the guideline’s target population and to clarify the terminology of the guideline’s topic.
The KT staff led an update on behalf of the Knowledge Translation (KT) team, reviewing completed KT activities and those currently underway or upcoming.
On behalf of the KT team, Ms. Burnett and Dr. Einarson led a prioritization exercise on recommendations from the 2018 Annual Evaluation.
Dr. Reynolds provided a scoping update on behalf of the Cervical Cancer Working Group.
Dr. Mitchelmore reviewed the timelines for product deliverables from the Global Health and Guidelines Division (GHGD).
Dr. Lang reviewed draft recommendation statements for the guideline on depression in pregnant and postpartum populations, seeking Task Force input.
Dr. Lang presented the draft Evidence-to-Decision (EtD) framework, including the draft recommendation statement.
Dr. Thombs reported on recent devlopments in the Thyroid Dysfunction Working Group, while Dr. LeBlanc led a verbal update on behalf of the Depression in Children & Adolescents Working Group. Dr. Groulx also updated the Task Force on behalf of the Esophageal Cancer Working Group, and Mr. Traversy reviewed progress in the Tobacco Cessation Working Group. Lastly, Dr. Thériault reported on activity in the Fragility Fractures Working Group.
Dr. Thombs invited Task Force input on a proposal to publish stakeholder statements and COI declarations.
Dr. Thombs invited Task Force input on a proposal related to dissemination of information on the Task Force topics selection process.
Mr. Traversy provided an update on behalf of the Methods Working Group, reviewing recent steps toward implementing GIN principles in COI management within the Task Force.
Ms. Barnhardt provided an update on the broader communications strategy for the Task Force.
Dr. Riva provided an update on behalf of the Falls Prevention Working Group, reviewing background information and progress on scoping to-date.
Dr. Moore thanked the group for their attendance. She reminded the Task Force to please send expense materials to the Task Force administrators soon. Dates for the next meeting are October 28th and 29th, 2019, and the location is again Saint Michael’s Hospital in Toronto.
She reminded the group that an email would be sent out soon regarding expense forms. Please save receipts and original boarding passes for reimbursement. Feedback on venue and logistics of the meeting is welcome.