MacEwan Conference Centre, U of C, Calgary AB
Dr. Tonelli welcomed all participants to the meeting and asked that everyone introduce themselves to the group. He noted that there were some late changes made to the agenda. The agenda was reviewed and no issues arose. Dr. Tonelli asked if anyone had any suggestions for additions to the agenda; Dr. Birtwhistle wanted to make everyone aware that he had received an email regarding inquiries around the US Task Force new Depression guideline. He felt that a discussion, as to whether the Canadian Task Force would respond to the inquiries, was required. Dr. Tonelli advised that it would likely be discussed during the Breast Cancer discussion or at some point during the Methods update.
Dr. Tonelli asked for a motion be carried to approve the Minutes and Action Items from the October 2015 meeting; Dr. Thombs approved and the motion was seconded by Dr. Grad and unanimously passed.
Dr. Lewin provided an update via teleconference noting that the pre-publication process has been started. She gave feedback to the group regarding the CPAC meeting both Dr. Lewin and Ms. Morissette attended in January.
The OHRI Evidence Review Centre and Dr. Groulx both made presentations to the group. The OHRI presentation covered the 2 types of Esophageal Cancer; Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma, and gave background information on incidence and mortality rates in Canada, according to the Canadian Cancer Society 2015. The risk factors for Esophageal Cancer were highlighted. Ms. Stevens summarised their findings after conducting an initial review of evidence and posed some questions to the Task Force.
Dr. Groulx’s presentation highlighted his findings after conducting a preliminary analysis of the disease and he posed several questions to the group.
Ms. Jaramillo provided an update with a slideshow presentation covering progress by the Methods Working Group over the last 2 years; completed topics, topics which are in progress and topics which are pending.
Ms. Dinsie Williams and Ms. Elizabeth Pitre from CADTH, presented a report regarding the Preliminary Results from a Systematic Review conducted by CADTH. The presentation covered the results from the research questions including screening strategies, study eligibility criteria, study outcomes, literature search, included studies, outcomes and GRADE and highlighted the limitations of the review.
Ms. Francesca Reyes Domingo from the PGD Science team gave a presentation regarding the Systematic Review on Treatment for Hepatitis C. The Systematic Review presentation, conducted by the Science team, covered the studies included, the methods followed and highlighted the results of the findings.
Dr. Grad gave an update to the group regarding the work of the Working Group since the last In Person Meeting in October.
Ms. Jennifer Pillay from the ARCHE ERSC delivered a presentation to the group which looked at the scoping exercise conducted by Ms. Pillay and her team. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB) was defined, the consequences of Pyelonephritis were highlighted and current screening tests were looked at, along with relevant Canadian and US guidelines.
Ms. Adrienne Stevens from the OHRI ERSC gave a presentation to the group which looked at the scoping exercise conducted by her team, including Congenial Anomalies in Canada and trends that may impact screening.
Dr. Bashir gave a presentation highlighting the work of the team. She noted that work on the Tobacco guideline has been wrapped up and feedback had been received from participants.
Ms. Timmings gave an update on the work of the Critical Appraisals Working Group including recruitment and training. Her presentation looked at where practitioners are hearing about critical appraisals, the AGREE II scores of guidelines, which have already been appraised, and information regarding those guidelines in progress and not yet started.
Ms. Timmings gave a brief update on the work of the e-Health Working Group. Dr. Birtwhistle gave further information on the EMR plug-in for the Breast Cancer Screening guideline.
Dr. Klarenbach gave a presentation on the update for the Breast Cancer Screening Guideline. He noted that there are other guidelines currently available and we could consider for adaption or adoption, or proceed with updating the previous CTFPHC guideline.
At this time the USPSTF Depression guideline was addressed. There was discussion as to whether the Task Force needed to respond to the enquiries Dr. Birtwhistle had received.
Dr. Birtwhistle gave a presentation highlighting the modifications to be made to the USPSTF guideline, which is being adapted.
Dr. Bashir gave an update on activities of the KT Working Group and included tools being developed for the Colorectal Cancer, Lung Cancer and Developmental Delay guidelines.
Dr. Singh provided a brief verbal update on the working of the group via teleconference. His update included discussion surrounding the decreasing number of mortality rates of AAA in Canada, and if this would affect the guideline.
Ms. Kretschmer gave a presentation on the progress of the Champions Initiative. Ms. Kretschmer asked the Task Force for their feedback on the potential benefits or incentives for participating as a CTFPHC opinion leader, what their roles should be called, and what the best process is for identifying opinions leaders for the CTFPHC.
Dr. Lisa Hartling from the ARCHE Evidence Review Centre gave a presentation to the group regarding the scoping work of the ERSC and looked at the possibility of dividing the guideline into 2 sections; Glaucoma and Visual Acuity.
Dr. Grimsrud gave both a verbal update on the work of the PGD team and a presentation about the Chair and Vice-Chair selection process to the group. The update covered HR items and the revisions being made to the Terms of Reference. There was some discussion surrounding the procedure for the Chair and Vice-Chair selection process. Dr. Grimsrud has developed a list of qualities desirable in a CTFPHC Chair (not a requirement), to be used to inform Task Force members decision to apply for the position.
Dr. Ugnat provided the group with a summary of the ERSC selection. PHAC signed an MOA with the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation. This enables the foundation to manage the funds for the ERSC.
Ms. Kretschmer gave a verbal update to group regarding the work of the GRADE KT Working Group. Work is being done by the group to identify practitioner level barriers in understanding GRADE and GRADE statements.
Ms. Kretschmer presented a timeline of guidelines to the group, her presentation noted that the Task Force guidelines on the CMAJ website are eligible for main-pro credits.
Dr. Birtwhistle gave an update on the work of the working group. He advised that it has been decided to create a mission statement instead of create a new guideline.
Mr. David Rodier and Ms. Jennifer Fields gave a presentation, highlighting aspects of the media coverage of the Cognitive Impairment guideline, to the group via teleconference.
Dr. Wendy Martin gave a brief verbal update on the working group. Her update included the timeline of publication and discussed the media demands for the spokespersons for the group.
Ms. Nathalie Holmes gave a verbal update, via teleconference, of the work of the working group. Her update covered publication, and press release timelines.
Dr. Brett Thombs gave a verbal update on the work of the working group. He noted that work might be delayed slightly but as much as possible will continue on schedule.
Dr. Tonelli thanked everyone for their attendance and noted that the next In Person Meeting will be held in Toronto, June 6 – 7, 2016.