Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa
Dr. Thombs welcomed the group to Ottawa and thanked meeting participants for their attendance. Dr. Thombs asked everyone to introduce themselves. He then reviewed logistical items and expense forms, which will be sent out after the meeting.
Dr. Thombs noted recent accomplishments in the work of the Task Force.
Ms. Hamel and Dr. Lang updated the Task Force on behalf of the Depression in Pregnancy and Post-Partum Populations Working Group, reviewing systematic review evidence and the Evidence-to-Decision framework.
Drs. LeBlanc and Lang led verbal updates on behalf of the Depression in Children & Adolescents Working Group and Depression in Adults Working Group, respectively. Dr. Groulx updated the Task Force on behalf of the Esophageal Cancer Working Group. Dr. Thombs also provided a verbal update on behalf of the Methods Working Group on Day 2 of the in-person meeting.
Dr. LeBlanc reported that the systematic review strategy is being developed for the Child & Adolescent Depression guideline, and Dr. Lang reported that the systematic review is underway for the Depression in Adults guideline.
Dr. Groulx reviewed recommendations for changes to the guideline title for the Esophageal Cancer Guideline, as well as peer review feedback. Final submission of the guideline is anticipated in March 2019.
Dr. Thombs briefly reported that the Thyroid Guideline is out for Task Force review, that the systematic review is currently under peer review at Systematic Reviews, and that the guideline will be sent for stakeholder review after Task Force comments are received.
Dr. Wilson and Ms. Graham led an update on behalf of the Hypertension Working Group, reviewing background information and prospective issues in the guideline update.
Dr. Thériault provided an update on behalf of the Fragility Fractures Working Group, seeking feedback on patient values and preferences (Key Question 4) and a working definition of overdiagnosis in the context of fragility fractures prevention.
Dr. Einarson and Ms. Rashid led an update on behalf of the Knowledge Translation (KT) team, reviewing completed KT activities and those currently underway or upcoming. There was a narrower overview of stages in the KT tool development process.
On behalf of the KT team, Dr. Einarson reviewed the current Task Force approach to patient engagement and possible areas of improvement, as well as paths forward for expanding the patient engagement process.
Ms. Barnhardt reviewed media rollout of the Breast Cancer Screening Guideline Update, while also providing a preview of the future Task Force communications plan.
Drs. Reynolds and Stirling led an update on behalf of the Cervical Cancer Working Group, reviewing the earlier 2013 recommendations and prospective issues around the update and screening.
Dr. Moore and Ms. Pillay led an update on behalf of the Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Working Group, providing a summary of progress and reviewing background and results from Key Question 1 on benefits of screening.
Dr. Moore led an update on behalf of the Topics Working Group, reviewing the topics long list and next steps.
Dr. Thombs led a brief verbal update on behalf of the Methods Working Group, outling future priorities.
Dr. Mitchelmore reviewed the protocol and scoping progress of three closely related guidelines (Fragility Fractures, Falls Prevention, Polypharmacy) and invited feedback on ways to maximize consistency and possibly streamline efforts across Working Groups.
Dr. Thombs and Mr. Traversy led a brief verbal update on behalf of the Tobacco Working Group, reviewing progress to-date and next steps.
Dr. Thombs thanked participants for their attendance. He reminded the Task Force to please send expense receipts to the Task Force administrators soon, so that they can be processed before the end of the fiscal term. Dates for the next meeting are June 17th and 18th, 2019, and the location is Saint Michael’s Hospital in Toronto.
He reminded the group that an email would be sent out soon regarding expense forms. Please save receipts and original boarding passes for reimbursement. Feedback on venue and logistics of the meeting is welcome.