Public record of meeting, 28 November, 2011

Meeting of 28 November, 2011–29 November, 2011

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The Government Conference Centre 2 Rideau Street, Rideau Room Ottawa, Ontario



  • Dr. Marcello Tonelli (Chair)
  • Dr. Richard Birtwhistle (Vice-Chair)
  • Dr. Maria Bacchus
  • Dr. Neil Bell
  • Dr. Paula Brauer
  • Dr. James Dickinson
  • Dr. Michel Joffres
  • Dr. Gabriela Lewin
  • Dr. Patrice Lindsay
  • Dr. Patricia Parkin
  • Dr. Kevin Pottie
  • Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
  • Dr. Harminder Singh


  • Dr. Sarah Connor Gorber
  • Dr. Karen Grimsrud
  • Nathalie Holmes
  • Meaghan Isaacs
  • Alejandra Jaramillo
  • Eve Tsakonas
  • Jamieson Wolf Villeneuve


  • Dr. Donna Ciliska
  • Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis
  • Mary Gauld
  • Amanda Hammill (By phone/video)
  • Homa Keshavarz (By phone/video)
  • Leslea Peirson (By phone/video)
  • Dr. Parminder Raina
  • Diana Sherifali (By phone/video)

Invited guests and speakers

  • Leigha Cotton
  • Dr. Nancy Santesso
  • Dr. Sharon Straus


  • Diane Finkle-Perazzo


  • Dr. Martin Fortin


1. Review of June 2011 Meeting Minutes and Action Items

Members reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and noted action items that were completed.


2. First Guideline Launch Discussion: Media Strategy Summary—Marcello Tonelli, David Rodier, Leigha Cotton

Leigha Cotton and David Rodier of Hill and Knowlton Strategies joined the meeting and provided an overview of recent coverage of the Breast Cancer Screening Guideline. They noted that coverage was still ongoing and that there was extensive interest in the story. Monitoring will continue and a report will be prepared which will detail key learnings from this first launch.


3. CTFPHC Strategic Plan—Draft Findings and Recommendations—Marcello Tonelli

Marcello Tonelli provided a brief update on the strategic planning stating that the report prepared was more of a short/medium term view and was not intended to be a blueprint for how the CTFPHC will become the leading guideline producer in Canada. The CTFPHC held a general discussion about strategic planning and raised a number of key points and recommendations.


4. Diabetes Screening—Kevin Pottie and Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis

The Diabetes Screening Guidelines have been reviewed by external organizational and peer reviewers from a variety of organizations such as the CNA, CDA, Dietitians of Canada, HC, FNIHB and a variety of universities. The Diabetes Screening Task Group will further discuss issues based on the input of the CTFPHC.


5. Update on Planning—Marcello Tonelli

Alejandra Jaramillo provided an update on timelines for guidelines on diabetes, depression, hypertension, cervical cancer, adult obesity and child obesity. She also reported on the adjustment per guideline (in weeks) since the last CTFPHC meeting.


6. GRADE Presentation—Nancy Santesso

Nancy Santesso of the GRADE Working Group presented information about the grade process and guideline development. It was agreed that decision tables are useful and will be incorporated into the review process.


7. Idealized vs Pragmatic Key Questions—Paula Brauer and Patricia Parkin

Patricia Parkin and Paula Brauer presented information on the topic of idealized vs. pragmatic key questions. Idealized key questions are what we would like to know and pragmatic key questions are what we can know with current evidence. This concept is analogous to concepts of explanatory and pragmatic RCTs. The Methods Group will further consider a procedure to deal with idealized vs. pragmatic key questions.


8. Depression Screening—Michel Joffres and Mary Gauld

Mary Gauld and Homa Keshavarz reviewed the draft evidence report for screening for depression. Following the presentation, CTFPHC Members raised a number of issues such as screening in target populations such as children and the elderly. The Depression Screening Working Group will revise the proposed guidelines based on the discussion at the CTFPHC.


9. Hypertension Screening—Patty Lindsay—Amanda Hammill

Amanda Hammill reviewed the draft evidence report for hypertension screening. Based on input from the CTFPHC, The Hypertension Screening Group will finalize the list of external stakeholders and begin to tailor the recommendations.


10. CTFPHC Office Update—Karen Grimsrud

Dr. Karen Grimsrud provided an update on the work of the CTFPHC Office highlighting new hires and a variety of activities. The CTFPHC stressed the importance of developing a procedure for facilitating travel and logistical support for CTFPHC members who travel to meetings and presentations.


11. Topic Prioritization—Sarah Connor Gorber

Sarah informed the group that the current topics being addressed are breast cancer; Type 2 diabetes; hypertension; depression; cervical cancer; obesity (adults and children); osteoporosis (potential endorsement, assessment components only)and atrial fibrillation (potential endorsement). Planned topics include: screening for cognitive impairment and dementia in the elderly; prevention of osteoporosis in men and women; and screening for developmental delay in preschool children.


12. Methods Update—Sarah Connor Gorber

Sarah provided an update on the work of the Methods Working Group highlighting current publications in progress or published, presentations, and work on identifying and evaluating modeling studies.


13. Cervical Cancer Screening —Jim Dickinson and Leslea Peirson

Jim Dickinson and Leslea Peirson provided an update regarding work on the development of Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines. The Cervical Screening Working Group will revise the proposed guidelines based on the discussion at the Task Force Meeting.


14. Endorsement and Performance Measurement—Patty Lindsay

Patty Lindsay reviewed a proposed CTFPHC endorsement report regarding the ccs’s Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines and the 2010 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in Canada. After much discussion, the CTFPHC agreed that more work was needed to develop an approach, terminology and statement for the website regarding the posting of a list of useful guidelines on prevention for practitioners.


15. Knowledge Translation—Update—Sharon Straus

Sharon Straus updated the CTFPHC on the work of the KT WG including an overview of the KT Process and work undertaken to develop KT Tools for the Breast Screening Guidelines.


16. Obesity—Children—Patricia Parkin

Patricia Parkin updated the CTFPHC on the work of the Child Obesity Working Group. The Obesity (Children) Working Group will continue its work based on the discussion at the CTFPHC Meeting.


17. Obesity—Adults—Paula Brauer

Paula Brauer presented information about the work of the Adult Obesity Working Group. The Obesity (Adults) Working Group will continue its work based on the discussion at the CTFPHC Meeting.


18. EMR Update—Rick Birtwhistle

Rick Birtwhistle provided an update regarding the Expert Consultation on the use of Electronic Medical Records EMR for the CTFPHC on January 11, 2012 at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. The purpose of this meeting will be to examine ways to integrate the CTFPHC recommendations into the EMR and also using social media. The members reviewed the participant list and made a number of suggestions.


19. CTFPHC Check In—Marcello Tonelli

Marcello provided the CTFPHC members with an opportunity for general feedback about issues and possible future meeting topics. He stressed the importance of reviewing the Strategic Plan and providing any feedback that was necessary. Members agreed that the short and medium term are important, but emphasis also needed to be placed on the longer term. It was suggested that focused time at the next meeting be spent on strategic planning.


20. Next Steps and Adjournment

Marcello and Rick thanked members for their contributions and recognized the work of the CTFPHC Office. The next CTFPHC meeting will take place March 5–6, 2012.


21. Working Group Breakout Sessions

Over lunch on Day One and at the end of Day Two of the meeting, the Methods, Obesity Screening in Children, Knowledge Translation and Hypertension Working Groups held brief meetings.