Virtual Meeting
Henry Siu (TF), Sidra Cheema (KT), Chantal Plante (PHAC), Amanda Tzenov (Fellow)
The Task Force held its February 2023 meeting online via videoconference. Dr. Klarenbach opened the meeting and Task Force members approved the agenda. Dr. Klarenbach provided some brief guidelines on the proceedings of the virtual meeting. Roundtable introductions were done, and Dr. Klarenbach welcomed the new staff of the Task Force.
The co-Chairs elects were officially presented to the Task Force. Additionally, the Task Force expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Drs Wilson and Grad for their time as the interim co-Chairs.
Ms. Beckett, Mr. Grubac, Mr. Hassan, and Ms. Deshpande from the Knowledge Translation (KT) team provided updates on recent KT activities and initiatives. This update included information on recently published and upcoming guidelines, new and upcoming KT tools, dissemination activities, the Clinical Prevention Leaders (CPL) Network, the Task Force Public Advisors Network (TF-PAN) initiative, and the 2022 Annual Evaluation.
Mr. Traversy presented updates on the Tobacco guideline, including an overview of the Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework for e-cigarette interventions for smoking cessation. Additionally, Mr. Traversy is seeking TF approval of direction and strength of proposed recommendations.
Dr. Wilson and Ms. Shaver presented an overview of the protocol and the scope of the key questions (KQs), a project status update as well as the next steps.
Ms. Subnath presented a general update on methods activities as well as an update on manual, timelines, and critical path.
The guideline Working Group Chair provided a brief update for the following guideline: Cervical Cancer.
Ms. Limburg presented on the recent selection of new topics for 2023 and provided an update on confirmation methods and topics along with the prioritization and allocation of resources.
Dr. Gray presented the guideline results, the draft recommendations along with other elements such as a summary/reminder of criticisms on pregnancy post-partum (PPP) depression.
Ms. Subnath presented on the evidence (or lack thereof) and considerations going into draft guideline.
The guideline Working Group Chairs provided brief updates for the following guidelines: Fragility Fractures, Falls Prevention, and Prostate Cancer.
Drs Abou-Setta, Thériault and Klarenbach thanked everyone for attending the meeting and for their contributions to the Task Force. The February 2023 Task Force virtual meeting was adjourned.