Public record of meeting, 7 March, 2011

Meeting of 7 March, 2011– 8 March, 2011

PDF Version

785 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario



  • Dr. Marcello Tonelli (Chair)
  • Dr. Richard Birtwhistle (Vice-Chair)
  • Dr. Maria Bacchus
  • Dr. James Dickinson
  • Dr. Michel Joffres
  • Dr. Gabriela Lewin
  • Dr. Patrice Lindsay
  • Dr. Patricia Parkin
  • Dr. Kevin Pottie
  • Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
  • Dr. Harminder Singh


  • Dr. Lesley Dunfield
  • Dr. Sarah Connor Gorber
  • Tess Grise
  • Nancy Hajal
  • Nathalie Holmes
  • Meaghan Isaacs
  • Alejandra Jaramillo
  • Peter Levesque
  • Catherine Makris
  • Christopher Murray


  • Dr. Donna Ciliska
  • Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis
  • Mary Gauld
  • Amanda Hammill (By phone/video)


  • Diane Finkle-Perazzo
  • Carmela Graziani


  • Dr. Neil Bell
  • Dr. Paula Brauer
  • Dr. Karen Grimsrud
  • Dr. Nicole Hodgson ([]) ([])
  • Dr. Sue Pollock


1. Review of November 2010 Meeting Minutes and Terms of Reference

Members reviewed and approved the minutes of the previous meeting and noted action items that were completed.


2. Breast Cancer Update

Marcello Tonelli informed the CTFPHC that the Breast Cancer Guidelines had completed peer review and had greatly benefited from this process.


3. Publications Strategy

Members reviewed the document “Planned Publications of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care” which had been circulated with the meeting background materials. The Chairs encouraged members who were interested in authoring specific publications to inform the Co-Chairs and/or staff.


4. CTFPHC Office: Update on Activities

Nancy Hajal and Catherine Makris provided an update on the activities of the CTFPHC Office related to strategic planning, partnership strategy, upcoming meetings and conferences and introduced new CTFPHC Office staff members.


5. Performance Measurement

Patty Lindsay provided an overview of the proposed process to identify performance measurement indicators for clinical practice guidelines.


6. Working Group Breakout Sessions

At the end of Day One of the meeting, the Methods, Diabetes, KT WG, Cervical, Obesity and EMR Working Groups held brief meetings.


7. Diabetes Update

Dr. Kevin Pottie and Donna Ciliska presented the preliminary findings regarding screening for Type 2 Diabetes. In addition, the CTFPHC reviewed draft Canadian recommendations and discussed partnerships.


8. Endorsement Adaptation Process—Patty Lindsay

The CTFPHC reviewed a draft endorsement adaptation process including a protocol which was provided in the meeting background package.


9. Working Group Presentations

9.1 Methods

Marcello Tonelli discussed new methodological approaches that integrate GRADE and stressed that analytic frameworks do not include all factors that are associated with clinical preventive services. The focus should be first on critical outcomes that are determined based on how important they are to patients and decision makers. The CTFPHC also discussed modelling and referred this issue to a modelling subgroup for further discussion.

9.2 Hypertension

Mary Gauld and Amanda Hammill presented the McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre’s Hypertension Screening Report on their review of the evidence needed to provide recommendations on hypertension screening. It was noted that there is not as big a pool of studies as was originally anticipated.

9.3 Depression

Michel Joffres outlined a proposed work plan / timeline to develop guidelines for screening for depression. He presented reviewer comments and an initial and revised framework

9.4 Cervical Cancer Screening

Jim Dickinson provided an update from the Pan-Canadian Cervical Screening Initiative PCCSI and reviewed the Cervical Cancer Analytic Framework, the Key Questions and the Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria. The ERSC has completed the key and contextual question searches and identified citations. The Working Group is on schedule to meet its timelines.

9.5 Obesity Adult/Child

Sarah Connor Gorber reported that preliminary meetings have been held to determine the scope of the obesity recommendations and how it might be narrowed. Key questions for obesity should be developed by the end of April