CTFPHC article on Understanding and Communicating Risk: Measures of Outcomes and the Magnitude of Benefits and Harms

CTFPHC article on Understanding and Communicating Risk: Measures of Outcomes and the Magnitude of Benefits and Harms

The CTFPHC has released its next article in the Canadian Family Physician Prevention in Practice series. This article outlines measures of outcome and magnitude/effect size that would be fundamental to evidence-based decision making by physicians and shared decision making with patients in preventive screening. The article outlines the most effective measures for communicating the benefits and harms of screening to patients and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used measures. The article shows how these measures can be integrated into shared decision making with patients on screening.


Read the Measures of Outcome and Magnitude of Benefits and Harms article here: http://www.cfp.ca/content/64/3/181?etoc