The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care is Canada’s go-to source for national clinical practice guidelines.
- We are seeking new members to contribute their unique perspectives and expertise to guideline development, while also building their skills in evidence synthesis and guideline development.
About the position
- Members volunteer their time and expertise for a 4-year term to contribute to the development and promotion of these guidelines
- Make change and have impact on clinical practice across Canada
- Build skills and profile on a national level
- Opportunity to make guidelines more reflective of the diverse health care needs of people in Canada
- Engage with professionals in a dynamic community of practice; collaborate, learn, and build knowledge
- Expertise in disease prevention and health promotion of children and/or adults
- Experience with systematic reviews, methodology and application to clinical decision-making and/or policy
- Ability to be rigorous but open-minded when reviewing and interpreting scientific evidence and associated recommendations
- Ability to work collaboratively with peers
- Able to allocate the necessary time to participate actively in the Task Force
- Strongest consideration will be given to individuals who are widely recognized for scholarly leadership within their fields of expertise
- Experience in guideline development will be considered an asset
- A background in family practice will be considered an asset
Interested applicants with experience and skills in any of the areas listed above should highlight them in their application materials.
Applicants must have no substantial conflicts of interest that would impair the scientific integrity of the work of the Task Force and must be willing to complete regular conflict of interest disclosures.
How to apply
Please send your complete application package (see package items below) to Chantal
Plante, Business Manager, Public Health Agency of Canada by e-mail at chantal.plante@phac-aspc.gc.ca.
- A Selection Committee will review submissions according to the attached criteria. Candidates recommended for appointment will be approved by the Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada and the Executive Director of Professional Development and Practice Support for the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
Application material should include:
- Your current curriculum vitae
- A covering letter explaining how you meet qualification requirements and how you would contribute to the Task Force. (See Annex A)
- Three reference letters that support your application and vouch that you meet the qualification requirements.

About the Task Force
The Task Force is:
- a panel of experts with expertise in primary preventive health care, critical appraisal, evidence review methods and the application of evidence in clinical decision making with an international reputation for the development of independent evidence-based guidelines for primary care practitioners.
- a primary source of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in the area of preventive health care in Canada.
- internationally recognized as a leader in evidence-based preventive health care and for high-quality guidelines.
Since its re-establishment in 2009, the Task Force has published many clinical practice guidelines for primary care practitioners on screening for esophageal cancer, breast cancer, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cervical cancer, depression in adults, prostate cancer, prevention and management of adult and child obesity, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, tobacco and children, hepatitis C, impaired vision, asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction and, most recently, screening for chalmydia and gonorrhea. Published guidelines and upcoming guideline topics can be found on the Task Force website.
"Where do screening guidelines fit in the context of older adults and how do we apply them? Often there isn’t much evidence which makes it harder to care for older people. I want to make people think about that in guideline development."
Dr. Henry Siu, Task Force member
"The Task Force is composed of an amazing group of enthusiastic, knowledgeable, skilled and committed individuals. That said, no one is expected to know or be an expert on everything. If you like to learn, are willing to stretch your comfort zone and are able to commit some time, then becoming a member of the Task Force is a remarkable opportunity."
Dr. Donna Reynolds, family physician and adjunct professor, University of Toronto
Annex A
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care Member Qualifications
- Expertise in disease prevention and health promotion of children and/or adults;
- Experience with systematic reviews, methodology and application to clinical decision-making and/or policy
- Ability to be rigorous but open-minded when reviewing and interpreting scientific evidence and associated recommendations
- Ability to work collaboratively with peers
- Able to allocate the necessary time to participate actively in the Task Force
- Strongest consideration will be given to individuals who are widely recognized for scholarly leadership within their fields of expertise
- Experience in guideline production an asset
- A background in family practice will be considered an asset
- Working in Canadian health care or university setting