Media Coverage

Breast Cancer (Update) – Draft Recommendations (2024)

Women deserve better breast cancer screening – and that doesn’t just mean more of the sameThe Globe and Mail, June 4, 2024 On Breast ScreeningReThink Breast Cancer, May 31, 2024 Earlier breast cancer screenings starting at age ...

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General Task Force

Why screening guideline committees should not include ‘experts’ as voting membersHealthy Debate, February 21, 2024

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Fragility Fractures (2023)

Mieux cibler le dépistage des risques de fractureL’actualité, May 8, 2023

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Breast Cancer Update

Federal task force to weigh mammogram screening age amid debate over starting at 40 The Globe and Mail, October 17, 2023 When do you screen for cancer? How does the task force create guidelines? 680 CJOB Winnipeg, May ...

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Depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period (2022)

Canadian doctors, psychiatrists don’t recommend routine adult anxiety, September 22, 2022 Guideline Advises Against Depression Screening in PregnancyMedscape Medical News, July 28, 2022

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Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (2021)

STIs spreading aggressively in Canada as testing, prevention abandoned during pandemicThe Globe and Mail, April 8, 2022

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Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (2020)

No benefit of routine screening for EAC and in chronic GERD patients Bariatric News, July 7, 2020 Adénocarcinome œsophagien: aucun bénéfice au dépistage systématique L’Actualité médicale, July 7, 2020

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Asymptomatic Thyroid Dysfunction (2019)

DYSFONCTION THYROÏDIENNE : Quel dépistage chez les adultes sans symptômes? Sante log, November 18, 2019 Don’t Screen for Thyroid Problems in Asymptomatic Patients Medscape, November 26, 2019 What Not to Test (and Treat) Clinical Laboratory News, December 19, 2019

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Hepatitis C

Critics push back against hepatitis C screening advice, say boomers should be tested May 28, 2017 Canada recommends against testing everyone for hepatitis C April 24, 2017 Broad Hepatitis C screening of Canadian adults not supported by evidence, task ...

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Tobacco Smoking in Children and Adolescents

Study Urges Physicians To Prevent Youth Smoking 27 February, 2017 Health officials urged to help prevent Canadian youth from smoking 27 February, 2017 Doctors ‘should interact with kids and their families about smoking,’ Canadian task force says 27 February, 2017 Doctors have role to ...

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