Donna L. Reynolds

Dr. Donna Reynolds is a family physician in Ontario and a specialist in Pubic Health & Preventive Medicine. She is an adjunct professor at the Departments of Family and Community Medicine, and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Dr. Reynolds has worked in research at the Ontario Cancer Foundation (now Cancer Care Ontario), and as an epidemiologist at McMaster University. She was the Associate Medical Officer of Health in Ontario and worked on the control and investigation of the Walkerton Water disaster, and SARS, among many other chronic and novel infectious disease topics. She was the lead for development of local ESBL screening guidelines, that were incorporated into area acute and long-term care facilities. She moved her research interests to vaccine clinical development where she has overseen global clinical trials and vaccine licensure. She has varied interest including screening, preventive medicine, chronic and infectious diseases, surveillance, evaluation, health communication, clinical public health and leadership. Recently retired from clinical practice in North York and Scarborough, Dr. Reynolds continues her passion to bridge research, practice and policy as a seasoned member of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.