Remembering Dr. Ainsley Moore
We are devastated at the loss of our friend and colleague, Dr. Ainsley Moore, who died unexpectedly on June 25, 2021. A talented family doctor, Ainsley joined the Task Force in 2013. She worked tirelessly in her roles as a member, Vice-Chair and, more recently, Chair-elect.
Passionate about evidence-based medicine, Dr. Moore applied her expertise to helping create clinical practice guidelines for primary care. She led the recent Task Force guideline on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea and was a member of numerous other Task Force guideline working groups.
Dr. Moore was particularly interested in mentoring future physicians and was the lead for the Task Force’s fellowship program. In addition, she mentored many physicians-in-training in her role as associate professor at McMaster University.
Ainsley was a caring and committed friend to people in the Task Force community. With an infectious laugh, insightful comments, humorous quips and a zest for life, she was a joy to work with and will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with her family and the many people whose lives she has touched so deeply and so positively.
Her dedication to the Task Force was inspiring.
“Ainsley will be deeply missed,” said Task Force Chair Dr. Brett Thombs. “She was a tremendous friend, a wonderful colleague, a cherished teacher and mentor, and a leader for us all.”
“By her example, her enthusiasm, and her encouragement, Ainsley moved all of us on the Task Force to do our utmost best. She was a constant reminder of how our work touches the lives of Canadians and how all Canadians deserve high-quality information to make the best possible decisions for their health and health care. She was one of a kind.”
Need Task Force tools?
We are launching a pilot project to mail packages of our printed and laminated KT tools, from 1000-person tools to infographics and more, to any clinician in Canada upon request.
The goal is to evaluate who uses our tools, how they use them, and if they helped change practice. Request the free tools or participate in the project.
Additional Tools
- Shared-decision making tools for breast cancer screening
- Testing Wisely: Support for communication with patients who request tests that are strongly recommended against
Find short, engaging videos on testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea in sexually active patients under 30 years old on the Task Force’s YouTube channel.
Guidance on Screening
As the pandemic finally ebbs, clinicians and patients are turning more to routine screening for a variety of conditions, including breast cancer, thyroid dysfunction and more.
Find guidelines on a variety of primary care topics, along with decision-making tools.
Congratulations Richard!
Task Force fellow Richard Henry of McGill University is the recipient of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Postdoctoral Fellowship. He was ranked 9th out of 208 applicants in his panel. Richard will use the fellowship to work with outgoing chair Dr. Brett Thombs on a stakeholder-engaged program of research to support health care and mental health in trans and gender-diverse adults.
Kudos to Pascale!
Kudos to Dr. Pascale Breault, also a fellow, who received a Merits for Excellence in Patient Care award from the College quebecois des medecins de famille (CQMF) for her work in Health Promotion in Indigenous Communities. She is also dedicated to helping raise awareness of systemic racism in Quebec.
Bravo Guylène!
Dr. Guylène Thériault is a second Task Force member recognized by CQMF for her research contribution to evidence-based medicine as well as teaching, mentoring and supporting trainees and colleagues.
New GIN Website
The new Guidelines International Network (GIN) website is now live and the Task Force is listed as a member along with several of our guidelines.
Guideline Successes
The recent guideline, Recommendation on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea in primary care for individuals not known to be at high risk, was awarded a perfect score for transparency, rigor, and trustworthiness from the international group ECRI. ECRI’s aim is to “protect patients from unsafe and ineffective medical technologies and practices” by providing unbiased evidence that adheres to strict conflict-of-interest policies.
Related Reading
Recent publications by Task Force members on topics such as screening in primary care, conflicts of interest in guideline development, gender equity and more include:
- Task Force member Dr. John Riva recently published the article Guidelines that use the GRADE approach often fail to provide complete economic information for recommendations: a systematic survey in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Upcoming Guidelines
Are you a physician or health care professional interested in influencing national clinical practice guidelines? Do you want to ensure the diverse needs and perspectives of people in Canada are reflected in guidelines?
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care needs you!
We are seeking new members to contribute their unique perspectives and expertise to guideline development, while also building skills in evidence synthesis and guideline development.
Get Involved
Trainees and early career professionals
The Task Force Fellowship Program offers mentored training opportunities to Canadian health care trainees and early career professionals. Learn more.
Patients and Public Engagement
Patients and members of the public can help identify important harms and benefits of preventive health care, and give feedback on guideline communication tools.Interested? Email KTteam@canadiantaskforce.ca. Compensation is provided.
Clinical Prevention Leaders Network promotes the use of clinical practice guidelines through local educational outreach and peer-to-peer learning. Interested in joining the network? Visit CPL Network webpage.Healthcare Practitioner Tool Usability Testing – Clinicians can provide feedback on content, layout, navigation and look of guideline decision tools. Interested? Email KTteam@canadiantaskforce.ca.
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care is composed of experts who develop evidence-based recommendations for clinical preventive health services delivered by primary care practitioners. The Task Force is supported by the Global Health and Guidelines Division of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Evidence Review and Synthesis Centres from the University of Ottawa and the University of Alberta, and the Knowledge Translation Team from St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto.
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care