Under 30 and sexually active? It’s a good idea to get tested. Check out our video to learn more.
This video was developed by the Task Force to provide primary care physicians with key information about lung cancer screening. The video references the Task Force’s 2016 lung cancer guideline recommendations. The video explains disease progression; lung cancer screening; and the Task Force lung cancer screening guideline recommendations, including the overall benefits and harms of screening.
This video provides Canadians with information about cancer screening. It explains that there are both potential harms and potential benefits of cancer screening and that people should consider these harms and benefits when making decisions about screening.
This video was developed by the Task Force to provide primary care physicians with key information about prostate cancer screening. It provides an overview of prostate cancer as well as the harms and benefits of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening. It also summarizes the Task Force’s recommendations for PSA screening and explains how they should be implemented.
Dr. Mike Evans of St. Michael’s Hospital has created a video about the PSA test. Dr. Evans is not affiliated with the Task Force.