Remembering Dr. Ainsley Moore
We are devastated at the loss of our friend and colleague, Dr. Ainsley Moore, who died unexpectedly on June 25, 2021. A talented family doctor, Ainsley joined the Task Force in 2013. She worked tirelessly in her roles as a member, Vice-Chair and, more recently, Chair-elect.
Passionate about evidence-based medicine, Dr. Moore applied her expertise to helping create clinical practice guidelines for primary care. She led the recent Task Force guideline on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea and was a member of numerous other Task Force guideline working groups.
Dr. Moore was particularly interested in mentoring future physicians and was the lead for the Task Force’s fellowship program. In addition, she mentored many physicians-in-training in her role as associate professor at McMaster University.
Ainsley was a caring and committed friend to people in the Task Force community. With an infectious laugh, insightful comments, humorous quips and a zest for life, she was a joy to work with and will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with her family and the many people whose lives she has touched so deeply and so positively.
Her dedication to the Task Force was inspiring.
“Ainsley will be deeply missed,” said Task Force Chair Dr. Brett Thombs. “She was a tremendous friend, a wonderful colleague, a cherished teacher and mentor, and a leader for us all.”
“By her example, her enthusiasm, and her encouragement, Ainsley moved all of us on the Task Force to do our utmost best. She was a constant reminder of how our work touches the lives of Canadians and how all Canadians deserve high-quality information to make the best possible decisions for their health and health care. She was one of a kind.”