New guideline: screening for thyroid dysfunction
A new guideline from the Task Force recommends against routine screening for thyroid dysfunction in non-pregnant adults. This recommendation is based on the latest evidence that shows no benefit to testing for thyroid dysfunction in adults without symptoms or risk factors.
Read more.
Upcoming Guidelines
- Screening for esophageal adenocarcinoma – 2020
- Screening for depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period – 2020
- Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea – 2020
What topics interest you? Submit ideas for preventive health guideline topics.
Tell us what you think!
Tell us what you think. Your feedback will help measure the impact and uptake of guidelines and tools for our annual evaluation and identify new opportunities to provide you with what you need. You can participate in two ways:
- Complete an online survey for a chance to win an iPad; or
- Complete an online survey and participate in a telephone interview for $100 compensation.
The surveys will occur in January 2020.
If you are interested in participating in the English survey, click here.
For more information, please email with the subject line “Annual Evaluation 2019″
Find clinician FAQs and an infographic overview of the recent thyroid guideline.
Need more guideline tools? We offer a range of tools to support discussions between physicians and patients on:

Family Medicine Forum 2019
A steady stream of primary care practitioners, residents, medical students, nurse practitioners and more visited the Task Force booth at FMF in Vancouver. Staff distributed about 6000 clinician tools, including tools on screening for breast cancer in women aged 40–74 years not at increased risk for breast cancer. Visit us at next year’s event.
Congrès annuel de médecine 2019
The annual Médecins francophones du Canada conference in Montreal was a great opportunity to connect with hundreds of French-speaking physicians and health care professionals, including many working in family medicine. Task Force staff had interesting conversations with attendees and distributed more than 1500 French tools. See you next year.
A recent presentation, “How Thick is the Evidence for Dense Breasts?” Breast Cancer Screening, by Task Force member Dr. Scott Klarenbach was well-received by attendees at the Practical Evidence for Informed Practice conference in Edmonton. Evidence-based with a sprinkling of humour, delegates found it both informative and entertaining.
Comments included “Great to hear about this topic as the concept of doing extra tests for these women with dense breast is relatively new to me” to “Good presentation. I was pretty aware of this, but this just reminded me of how muddy the waters of breast cancer screening have become. Good presenter who really is an expert on this.”

University of Toronto Department of Medicine
HealioEndocrine Today November 19, 201
LabPulse November 20, 2019
Related Reading
Want more information on thyroid dysfunction? Helping physicians fatigued by TSH Screening and Subclinical Hypothyroidism, the latest article in the Tools for Practice series sponsored by the Alberta College of Family Physicians, is a handy resource. It summarizes the latest evidence and guidelines on the topic.

An article in Canadian Family Physician on screening in primary care by Task Force members and alumni discusses screening performance measures, which should consider shared decision-making, patient values and preferences as well as factors related to individual practices.
Trainees and early career professionals
The Task Force Internship Program offers mentored training opportunities to Canadian health care trainees and early career professionals.Learn more.
Patients and Public Engagement
Patients and members of the public can help identify important harms and benefits of preventive health care, and give feedback on guideline communication tools.Interested? Email Compensation is provided.
Clinical Prevention Leaders Network promotes the use of clinical practice guidelines through local educational outreach and peer-to-peer learning. Interested in joining the network? Visit CPL Network webpage.Healthcare Practitioner Tool Usability Testing – Clinicians can provide feedback on content, layout, navigation and look of guideline decision tools. Interested? Email
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care is composed of experts who develop evidence-based recommendations for clinical preventive health services delivered by primary care practitioners. The Task Force is supported by the Global Health and Guidelines Division of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Evidence Review and Synthesis Centres from the University of Ottawa and the University of Alberta, and the Knowledge Translation Team from St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto.
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care