The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (‘task force’) is a panel of experts with expertise in... 05 Jul The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care invites applications for new members CTFPHC | Announcements, General, News | 0 The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (‘task force’) is a panel of experts with expertise in...
Wanted: patient partners to help shape new breast cancer screening guideline for Canada Timeline: July 2023 to early 2024... 29 Jun Patient partners needed for breast cancer update CTFPHC | Announcements, General, News | 0 Wanted: patient partners to help shape new breast cancer screening guideline for Canada Timeline: July 2023 to early 2024...
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, known for its evidence-based preventive guidelines, has announced that it will... 07 Jun Task Force Expedites Update to 2018 Breast Cancer Guideline CTFPHC | General, News | 0 The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, known for its evidence-based preventive guidelines, has announced that it will...
Last updated: June 21, 2023 While the US Preventive Services Task Force’s draft proposal now recommends starting breast cancer... 12 May New US breast cancer recommendation sparks discussion CTFPHC | General, News | 0 Last updated: June 21, 2023 While the US Preventive Services Task Force’s draft proposal now recommends starting breast cancer...
New guideline and decision aid Should you screen to help reduce the risk of fragility fractures? A new interactive... 08 May Screening to prevent fragility fractures CTFPHC | Announcements, News, Uncategorised | 0 New guideline and decision aid Should you screen to help reduce the risk of fragility fractures? A new interactive...
We’re thrilled to welcome Drs. Ahmed Abou-Setta and Guylene Theriault as incoming Co-Chairs of the Canadian Task Force on... 02 Feb New Co-Chairs! CTFPHC | Announcements, General | 0 We’re thrilled to welcome Drs. Ahmed Abou-Setta and Guylene Theriault as incoming Co-Chairs of the Canadian Task Force on...
The Task Force invites you to participate in our 2022 annual evaluation! Our evaluation seeks to measure the impact... 27 Jan Annual evaluation: We want your feedback! Fatiah DeMatas | Announcements, News | 0 The Task Force invites you to participate in our 2022 annual evaluation! Our evaluation seeks to measure the impact...
From a nurse practitioner to a family doctor, a gastroenterologist and pediatrician, the Task Force’s four new members bring... 13 Oct Dynamic roster of new members Fatiah DeMatas | Announcements, News, Uncategorised | 0 From a nurse practitioner to a family doctor, a gastroenterologist and pediatrician, the Task Force’s four new members bring...
Dynamic roster of new members! From a nurse practitioner to a family doctor, a gastroenterologist and pediatrician, the Task... 13 Oct The CTFPHC Newsletter Issue 33 Fatiah DeMatas | Announcements, News, Uncategorised | 0 Dynamic roster of new members! From a nurse practitioner to a family doctor, a gastroenterologist and pediatrician, the Task...
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (‘Task Force’) is a panel of experts in preventive health... 18 Aug The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care invites applications for Chair Fatiah DeMatas | Announcements, News | 0 The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (‘Task Force’) is a panel of experts in preventive health...